Strategies To Overcome Oil And Gas Staffing Challenges

Strategies To Overcome Oil And Gas Staffing Challenges

Although the oil and gas industry has seen great prosperity in the past, the only way the sector can continue to thrive is by constantly adapting. Over the last several years, the oil and gas industry has been faced with challenges including the pandemic, foreign policies greatly influencing oil demand, a call for greener industry practices, and more. The fluctuation in the oil and gas sector gives companies an opportunity to make valuable changes so that they can adapt for the future. Making changes that encourage candidate interest and employee retention can help companies overcome oil and gas staffing challenges.

4 Oil And Gas Staffing Strategies

Increased Technological Staffing
Technology is a huge part of any industry, and the oil and gas industry increasingly relies on technology. Despite this, there is a shortage of IT personnel in the oil and gas industry. When people in the tech industry are developing their careers and education, many of them lean towards coding, computer engineering, renewable energy, and other sectors that have more obvious uses for their technological talents. The oil and gas sector must advertise the availability of tech positions and their need for people experienced and trained in technology and digital skills. When searching for new oil and gas tech employees, consider branching out to other industries and expanding your network so that you can reach potential candidates who may not otherwise consider the oil and gas industry.

Encourage Oil And Gas Employees To Return
During the pandemic, many people in the oil and gas industry lost their jobs. While this was necessary at the time, many of these people searched for jobs in other sectors and they aren’t prepared to come back to oil and gas. For some, it’s because they’ve started new careers and they want to stay on their new course, but others are hesitant to go back to an industry that feels unstable. To interest candidates after the mass layoffs of 2020, oil and gas companies need to offer more opportunities for job stability and career growth. Offering educational opportunities draws in candidates who want to grow their careers even if they have initial hesitations to get back into the oil and gas industry.

Re-Evaluate Work Safety
The oil and gas sector always needs top-rated workplace safety to protect employees and keep operations running smoothly. But after the pandemic, many employees have increased expectations of what a healthy workplace really means. Beyond comprehensive safety gear and training, employees are now looking for workplaces that understand mental wellness, the importance of sick days, and the value of comprehensive health benefits. To overcome oil and gas staffing shortages, companies need to implement mental and physical health resources for employees and advertise this on job listings.

Incorporate Green Practices
There is a misconception by the general public that because oil and gas are non-renewable resources, anything associated with this industry is automatically not eco-friendly. The truth is that oil and gas companies can make a large difference to impact the environment by emphasizing green practices that reduce emissions during the oil and gas refinement process. Putting effort into eco-friendly company practices will help your company build its reputation and attract new employees, particularly new graduates. As larger numbers of gen Z staff enter the workforce and there is an ever-increasing emphasis on sustainability, potential candidates will be searching for eco-friendly companies with values they support. By taking steps to increase sustainable practices, your company can get ahead of future oil and gas staffing challenges.

Oil And Gas Staffing Solutions

As the world continues to need oil and gas while also shifting to greener practices and navigating a changing employment landscape, your company needs to stay ahead of the curve with effective oil and gas staffing solutions. Prepare your oil and gas company for the future and build a reliable workforce with the help of Wide Effect. When you partner with Wide Effect, you gain access to over 60 years of experience and top-quality staffing solutions to help your business thrive. Wide Effect provides you with tailored, top-level, reliable talent to give you an advantage over your competitors and reach your business goals. To partner with Wide Effect, call 1-262-298-0026 or fill out the online contact form.



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